Monday, April 17, 2006

The Right Place

Sometimes, you just are in the right place at the right time and able to capture some interesting things. These next few images are me just noticing interesting people when they were standing right in front of me.

This dude was chillin amongst the chaos that is Chinatown NYC. He wasn't posing. I was just waitng for the chinatown bus back to Philly and he happened to be resting there in front of me. I think he started to notice by the third picture, though.

North Philly at night-

Wu-tangin' it

North Philly Girls
"Young Tweezy"

Monday, April 03, 2006

The Light

Photography is all about light. It's about finding the light and making it work to your advantage. Lighting can make or break a photo. When you see a sillouhette, the only reason that works is because the subject is being back lit. These shots use lighting in interesting ways.

I used the speedlight on my camera for this one and a slow shutter speed. It created a nice range of motion shot. The street light helped to define the action and limit any blur.

The sun is starting to set later now that spring is here. I liked the shadows the setting sun made. Temple's infamous Belltower-- something I won't be seeing much of after May18:)
Sunset, the best form of lighting. It creates an orange glow. (Berk's Mall on Temple's campus.)