Tuesday, May 09, 2006

"Who's Hot on the Block?"-Kwaku Alston

I decided to add a new feature to 1000 Words. Photographers typically are communal folks. We learn from eachother. It is not as competitive as most professions, given that making a great photo does not always depend on the person behind the camera. I'd like to think we learn from each other's work. Sometimes you share your secrets or tricks. You are always learning something new.

"Who's Hot on the Block?" will highlight a professional photographer, somebody who's work I admire, makes me excited, I want to emulate or it's just plain ill.

So for the first installment of "Who's Hot on the Block?" I'll highlight a photographer I've been feelin for a while. Kwaku Alston's work gets me excited as a young photographer. He's mad talented and I respect what he does. I first gained recognition of his work in
the February issue of Essence, in which he shot the Cover story on the Fugees. The photo spread for that issue was hot if you've seen it. He predominantly works with celebrities and has probably photographed your favorite celebrity's favorite celebrity. His website is amazing too and he has a plethora of images, I couldn't download so check him out at: www.kwakualston.com